Covenant is simply an agreement to do something or not to do something. It is usually between two people or a group of people. Through out our lives, most of us have made certain promises to ourselves and to God. Whether it is in business, marriage, career, or in our relationship with God, the intention of the covenant made usually have same aim. However, it is not just about making covenants, but how many of us keep to these agreements made to God or to ourselves. Surely God is a keeper of his words, he never breaks his covenant, but humans are known to be feeble in their dealings, when things don’t go as planned, we look for another way out. For this reason, we will be writing down some Bible verses that will help us understand all that God wants to know about being in a covenant with him and also to know the processes involved in making and keeping covenants.
The first step involved in covenant making is the calling. God graciously calls us to join ourselves to him and in turn he joins himself to us, fully revealing himself to us and what he has for our lives. As believers, we are called by God, this means that God has already extended an invitation to us to come to him. The second step is the actual entering into the covenant. After God calls us to join ourselves to him, he moves further to ensure we establish the covenant. This is where the conditions of the covenant are made and agreed upon by the two parties involved.
The third and final step involved in covenant, is keeping the agreement. Whether it is a covenant with God, or in marriage, business, career. Every covenant made requires to be kept and maintained. All forms of relationship covenant, especially our relationship with God stand in need of maintenance, for them to remain concrete and healthy. We can’t just do away with them. It will also interest us to know that every covenant made has a blessing and a consequence attached to it. The blessings are obtained when we dutifully keep the covenant, and the consequences spring up when we fail to keep the covenant.
SEE ALSO: 70 Important Bible Verses About Confidence and Self Esteem
What Does The Bible Say About Covenant?
Throughout the Bible, we have read stories of different people who entered into a covenant relationship with God. Now let us look at the covenant between God and Abraham in the Old Testament;
Genesis 17:7-11 “And I will establish my covenant between me and you and your descendants after you in their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and your descendants. In this passage of the Bible, God clearly outlined his covenant with Abraham. He promised to be the God to Abraham’s forth coming generations and also stated clearly that every male child among the generation of Abraham will be circumcised.
And in the New Testament, Jesus established a new covenant through the sacrifice he made on the cross of Calvary. Matthew 26:28 “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins”. This covenant made in the New Testament signifies a shift from the Old Testament covenant’s laws to a new era of grace and forgiveness. In this established covenant, we do not need Prophets to use the blood of animals to atone for our sins on our behalf. But as a result of Jesus sacrifice, we are all eligible to come to God directly and seek for his grace and forgiveness. Here are some Bible verses on covenant;
Bible Verses About Covenant
- And God said, ‘This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come. – Genesis 9:12
- Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine. – Exodus 19:5
- The days are coming,” declares the LORD, “when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah. – Jeremiah 31:31
- But in fact the ministry Jesus has received is as superior to theirs as the covenant of which he is mediator is superior to the old one, since the new covenant is established on better promises. – Hebrews 8:6
- I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you. – Genesis 17:7
- I will look on you with favor and make you fruitful and increase your numbers, and I will keep my covenant with you. – Leviticus 26:9
- Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments. – Deuteronomy 7:9
- Yet I will remember the covenant I made with you in the days of your youth, and I will establish an everlasting covenant with you. – Ezekiel 16:60
- LORD, the God of Israel, there is no God like you in heaven above or on earth below—you who keep your covenant of love with your servants who continue wholeheartedly in your way. – 1 Kings 8:23
- And this is my covenant with them when I take away their sins. – Romans 11:27
- If my house were not right with God, surely he would not have made with me an everlasting covenant, arranged and secured in every part; surely he would not bring to fruition my salvation and grant me my every desire. – 2 Samuel 23:5
- Give ear and come to me; listen, that you may live. I will make an everlasting covenant with you, my faithful love promised to David. – Isaiah 55:3
- Have we not all one Father? Did not one God create us? Why do we profane the covenant of our ancestors by being unfaithful to one another? – Malachi 2:10
Bible Verses About Covenant With God
- I, the LORD, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles. – Isaiah 42:6
- I will make an everlasting covenant with them: I will never stop doing good to them, and I will inspire them to fear me, so that they will never turn away from me. – Jeremiah 32:40
- Then I said: ‘LORD, the God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments. – Nehemiah 1:5
- I will betroth you to me forever; I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion. – Hosea 2:19
- …Remember that at that time you were separate from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world. – Ephesians 2:12
- He confirmed it to Jacob as a decree, to Israel as an everlasting covenant. – 1 Chronicles 16:17
- To show mercy to our ancestors and to remember his holy covenant. – Luke 1:72
- For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. – John 1:17
- As for you, because of the blood of my covenant with you, I will free your prisoners from the waterless pit. – Zechariah 9:11
- As for me, this is my covenant with them,’ says the LORD. ‘My Spirit, who is on you, will not depart from you, and my words that I have put in your mouth will always be on your lips, on the lips of your children and on the lips of their descendants—from this time on and forever,’ says the LORD. – Isaiah 59:21
- He has remembered His covenant forever, The word which He commanded to a thousand generations, – Psalm 105:8
- So the sons of Israel shall observe the sabbath, to celebrate the sabbath throughout their generations as a perpetual covenant.’ – Exodus 31:16
- I will make a covenant of peace with them; it will be an everlasting covenant with them. And I will place them and multiply them, and will set My sanctuary in their midst forever. – Ezekiel 37:26
- “My covenant I will not violate, Nor will I alter the utterance of My lips. – Psalm 89:34
- “Thus says the Lord, ‘If you can break My covenant for the day and My covenant for the night, so that day and night will not be at their appointed time, – Jeremiah 33:20
Bible Verses on Covenant of Protection
- Then God said, “Behold, I am going to make a covenant. Before all your people I will perform miracles which have not been produced in all the earth nor among any of the nations; and all the people among whom you live will see the working of the Lord, for it is a fearful thing that I am going to perform with you. – Exodus 34:10
- So keep the words of this covenant to do them, that you may prosper in all that you do. – Deuteronomy 29:9
- So now come, let us make a covenant, you and I, and let it be a witness between you and me.” – Genesis 31:44
- The secret of the Lord is for those who fear Him, And He will make them know His covenant. – Psalm 25:14
- “My covenant with him was one of life and peace, and I gave them to him as an object of reverence; so he revered Me and stood in awe of My name. – Malachi 2:5
- You shall make no covenant with them or with their gods. – Exodus 23:32
- So Moses took the blood and sprinkled it on the people, and said, “Behold the blood of the covenant, which the Lord has made with you in accordance with all these words.” – Exodus 24:8
- You said, ‘I have made a covenant with my chosen one, I have sworn to David my servant. – Psalm 89:3
- For this reason Christ is the mediator of a new covenant, that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance—now that he has died as a ransom to set them free from the sins committed under the first covenant. – Hebrews 9:15
- …To Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel. – Hebrews 12:24
- He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. – 2 Corinthians 3:6
- Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep. – Hebrews 13:20