10 Catholic Birthday Prayers for You and Your Loved Ones

10 Catholic Birthday Prayers for You and Your Loved Ones

There’s a general saying which often goes like “Prayer is the key, prayer is the master, Jesus started with prayers and ended with prayer, prayer is a master key”, and we couldn’t agree more. Because as a true Christian, prayer should never seize from your side, and one of best moment to even seek the face of God more is on your birthday. This is why we are compiling some Catholic birthday prayers for you and your loved ones.

Birthdays are often the best moment in everyone’s life. We tend to party, merry, cakes, and presents, and often times looses our guard in the process. That’s why some educationalist will tell you that the best time to get anyone is on his or her birthday. Now you see why you need to always submit that day in the hand of God, and also reverence him for the achievements you’ve accomplished over the year.

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Catholic Birthday Prayer for Yourself

Thank you, God, for giving me another year of life.
Thank you for all the people who remembered me today
by sending cards, letters, gifts, and good wishes.

Thank you for all the experience of this past year;
for times of success which will always be happy memories,
for times of failure, which reminded me
of my own weakness and of my need for you,
for times of joy when the sun was shining,
for times of sadness that drove me to you.

Forgive me for the hours I wasted,
for the chances I failed to take,
for the opportunities I missed this past year.

Help me in the days ahead to make this the best year yet,
and through it, to bring good credit to myself,
happiness and pride to my loved ones, and joy to you. Amen.


Catholic Birthday Prayer for Mothers

Lord God,

As my mother celebrates her birthday today, I pray that You will give her many more memories to cherish with her loved ones. I pray that You will shower her with countless invaluable blessings: the gifts of time, peace, happiness, contentment, and prosperity. Remove all worries from her life and give her the rewards she deserves after years of her hard work as a mother, wife, worker, and Christian. May You be with her always.


– avepray.com

Catholic Birthday Prayer for Fathers

Lord, today is my father’s birthday, and we gather to celebrate his life. He has devoted his life to our family, and today we can celebrate the life that You have given him. Thank you for the year which he has completed. We pray for continued health and another wonderful year, Amen.

– faithfulteaching.com

Birthday Prayer for Infants

God bless this perfect little one,
Keep him safe and sound.
Bless his tiny hands and feet,
so he may conquer and defeat.
Brighten up his spiritual eyes,
so that he may undoubtedly become wise.
Bless his cute little mouth,
So your name he can shout.
But most of all bless his little mind,
to stay heavenly divine.
Oh! And don’t forget to bless his parents too
For the big job they got to do.


– www.praywithme.com

Catholic Birthday Prayer for Siblings

Dear Lord, as my brother/sister gets birthday messages from people all over, my heartfelt prayer is that all the beautiful years ahead of him/her are filled with the right people in him/her life who only have good wishes for him/her. Amen.

– praywithconfidence.com

Birthday Prayer of Gratitude

Father, thank you for today For all the cards and gifts,
all the tokens of love that remind me of how I am loved and appreciated.

Today I remember that you are my creator and sustainer.
In you, I live and move and have my being.
I thank you for your faithfulness and care through the years,
I commit this birthday to You.
May I honor You as You have given to me
this special day and each day of my life.
I want to know You more,
take ‘time out’ to be with You more, and love You more. Amen.

– www.lords-prayer-words.com/

Catholic Birthday Prayer for Children

God our Father, the birth of your Son Jesus Christ brought great joy to Mary and Joseph. We give thanks to You for (celebrant’s name), whose birthday we celebrate today. May he/she ever grow in your faith, hope, and love. We ask this in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

– www.spc-church.org

Birthday Prayer for a Friend

Heavenly Father, please bless (celebrant’s name),
for today is his/her birthday.

Dear Lord, please protect and guide (name) as he/she
continues along the path you’ve chosen for him/her.
Give her the courage to follow in your light and feel
your love wherever he/she goes.

Make him/her strong and give him/her the strength to make
good decisions in the coming year. Keep him/her free from
illness and sadness, for he/she is a truly good person who
deserves happiness and success in all aspects of life.

We know that life is like a book. With each new
chapter, we learn and grow toward what you would
have us be. Bless (celebrant’s name) now on this day and in the future.

In your name, we pray, Amen.

– www.praywithme.com

Birthday Prayer for Someone

God of all creation, we offer you grateful praise for the gift of life. Hear the prayers of (celebrant’s name) your servant, who recalls today the day of his/her birth and rejoices in your gifts of life and love, family, and friends.

Bless him/her with your presence and surround him/her with your love so that he/she may enjoy many happy years, all of them pleasing to you.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

– Book of Blessings

Prayer Before a Birthday Feast

Heavenly Father, We praise You for all Your gifts to us. In a special way, We thank You for (celebrant’s name). Bless him/her always in Your love. Bless us, too, Holy Father, and this food with which we celebrate. Help us all to praise You and give You glory Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

– www.spc-church.org

Traditional Catholic Birthday Prayer

O God, our times are in your hand: Look with favor, we pray, on your servant (name of celebrant) as he/she begins another year. Grant that he/she may grow in wisdom and grace and strengthen his/her trust in your goodness all the days of his/her life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

– www.lords-prayer-words.com/

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